The Normandale French Immersion Parent Teacher Organization (ND PTO) is a volunteer, parent-run, non-profit organization committed to create a positive, supportive, and responsive educational environment through shared decisions of staff and parents. We seek to keep parents connected and informed by facilitating a close relationship between our school and families and serving as the communication link between the two.

Normandale Leadership Team (NLT) and other PTO positions are available with varying time commitments, skills, and the flexibility to make your own unique impact to Normandale. Please contact our PTO Co-chairs for information on positions.

NLT - Normandale Leadership Team 2023-24

Co-Chair/President - Angela Holland (
Co-Chair/President - Lindsay Melander (
Treasurer - Andrea Butz (
Vice Treasurer -
Secretary - Joann Russell
Communications Committee Chair - Sheri Rosen (
Volunteer Committee Chair - Sarah Priest (
Room Parent Committee Chair - Allison Olfelt (
Extended French Chair - Tracy Schaefer (
Staff Representatives -
At Large Representative -

Contact information can be found in the school directory through Membership Toolkit.